Press Releases
Sign up for the Aurora certificate in youth ministry
Course starts later in September – places still available!

Aurora Youth is a youth ministry training course, available for applicants from the Republic of Ireland, by St Peter’s College (part of Sheffield Diocese in the Church of England), designed to meet the needs of volunteer youth leaders who have busy lives and no formal youth work qualifications.
This ecumenical course is delivered by the Church of Ireland’s Youth Department. Anyone aged 16 or older from any Christian youth work setting is welcome.
Aurora Youth will provide you with the essential skills, knowledge and understanding you need to be effective in youth ministry.
Running from this September to next May, we hope to deliver the course using a mixture of modes. Depending on restrictions, we hope to host one face to face day each term (full day Saturdays, venue to be confirmed) and deliver the remainder online (Wednesday evenings).
Students complete a portfolio of learning to gain the President Bishop’s Certificate in Youth Ministry, and may also work towards the St Peter’s College Certificate in Youth Ministry by completing a number of assignments.
Cost: €300 per student (some discounts and bursaries available)
For more details and to book a place, visit
Church of Ireland Youth Officer
Simon Henry
[email protected]