Literature Committee
The Theology of the Eucharist from a Church of Ireland Perspective now available online
Canon Kennedy remarks: “In producing this study of the theology of the Eucharist (Holy Communion) from a Church of Ireland perspective I have taken care not to suggest that this is the only way of approaching it – hence the use of ‘a’ rather than ‘the’ in the title! For the same reason I have avoided any ready–made set of conclusions, although I have included a personal reflection at the end of this work. It is designed, hopefully, to inform and also to encourage readers to wrestle with the issues (as I have tried to do) and to come up with their own conclusions. The extensive annotation after each section is intended to provide evidence for the statements made in the main text and where needed to amplify the argument.
“The ground covered ranges from Church formularies, such as the Articles of Religion and the Prayer Book catechism, through study of the theological implications of the Holy Communion in the 2004 Prayer Book to assessments of a wide range of documents, some of them official, to ecumenical statements including for example from the Anglican–Roman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC) and the World Council of Churches’ Lima document on Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry (1982) to current thinking on the Eucharist in the Anglican Communion. The contributions of various groups and societies have not been overlooked. I am most grateful to many people, not least Mr Bryan Whelan of Church of Ireland Publishing and, especially the fellow members of the Liturgical Advisory Committee, of which I have been a member since 1986 for their interest and encouragement, which is much appreciated.
“My previous work, including my doctoral thesis on The theological implications of recent liturgical revision in the Church of Ireland (1987) and my Commentaries on the authorized services of the Church of Ireland (2011), is presupposed throughout.”
The Theology of the Eucharist and the Commentaries are published by Church of Ireland Publishing, and both publications are also accessible in the Prayer & Worship section of the Church of Ireland website.
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