Day 1
Bill relating to parochial nominators proposed at Synod
A Bill which aims to ensure that those who act as parochial nominators are part of the parish for which they are elected as parochial nominators was presented at General Synod today (Wednesday May 4).
Currently, in theory, the Constitution allows for a member of one parish to be a parochial nominator of another parish. Given the importance of the role of a nominator, it is considered appropriate that a parochial nominator in invested enough in the parish to be a registered vestry member.
Proposing Bill No 2 Archdeacon Barry Forde said that in all likelihood this was a case of bringing the Constitution in line with what most members of Synod already presumed to be the case and with the likely practice at General Vestries.
“That presumption and that practice is to elect nominators from among those attending the General Vestry, or who have given their apologies and who remain eligible for election. When a parish falls vacant it is imperative that those who represent it at Boards of Nomination and who carry out the vital work of meeting prospective Incumbents, are best placed and well able to truly reflect and represent that parish, its people, the local context, along with the hopes and fears of all the years that are met therein at day and night,” the Archdeacon said.
Currently the Constitution permits a General Vestry to elect any lay person of 18 years and over who is a member and communicant of the Church of Ireland to be a parochial nominator, he explained. He added that the Bill does not affect the local arrangements of how nominators are elected within a Group, District or Union.
The Bill was seconded by Hazel Corrigan, Hon Sec.
The Bill has passed its first and second stages. It will receive its third and final reading on Friday morning.