Diocesan News
St Patrick’s Festival in Armagh
Armagh Cathedrals Partnership invite you to join them in The Market Place Theatre for this special event. Speaker: The Very Revd Henry Hull, Dean of Down. Music will be provided by the Music Departments of St Catherine’s College and The Royal School, Armagh. Light refreshments will be provided. Tickets are free but must be pre–booked at The Market Place Theatre.
Thursday 16th March, 4.00pm – St Patrick’s Lecture in The Market Place Theatre
Archbishop John McDowell and Archbishop Eamon Martin will discuss what St Patrick means to them in a 21st century context and how his words continue to resonate across the world. Tickets are free but must be pre–booked at The Market Place Theatre.
Thursday 16th March – Eve of St Patrick’s Day
7.30pm: Choral Evensong in St Patrick’s Church of Ireland Cathedra.
9.00pm: Vigil Walk by torchlight from St Patrick’s Church of Ireland Cathedral to St Patrick’s Roman Catholic Cathedral.
Friday 17th March – St Patrick’s Day in St Patrick’s Church of Ireland Cathedral
10.00am: Eucharist (Irish) – Celebrant: The Revd Chris McBruithin
11.00am: Sung Eucharist – Celebrant: The Archbishop of Armagh. Sermon: The Revd Chris McBruithin. Choir: Armagh Diocesan Singers.
For further information please contact:
Diocesan Communications Officer, Armagh
07703 821533
Mr Jonathan Hull
[email protected]