Press Releases
Celebrating the Coronation
Events from cathedrals and parish churches in Northern Ireland

King Charles III will be crowned King of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and his other realms at Westminster Abbey, on Saturday, 6th May.
To celebrate this special historic occasion, many events are happening across Northern Ireland including in Church of Ireland parishes. Please see a listing of these event below, which will be updated as the Coronation Weekend approaches.
If you need any further information, please contact the local parish; contact details are available at this link on the Church of Ireland website and on diocesan websites.
If you would like your parish’s event to be featured on this list, please contact your Diocesan Communications Officer. The following listings on the Connor and Down and Dromore diocesan websites may also help you, and your family and friends, to plan ahead.
Sunday, 30th April
- At 7.00pm in Aghaderg Church, Loughbrickland, there will be a Service of Royal Hymns for the Coronation in the presence of the Lord Lieutenant for Co. Down and the Lord Mayor of Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough Council.
- Dromore Cathedral will have a Big Sing at 6.00pm. The music will be a blend of the traditional and contemporary, all on the theme of kingship and pieces which have been used at previous Coronations. Light refreshments will be served immediately following the service.
Tuesday, 2nd May
- There will be a Service of Thanksgiving, in preparation for the Coronation in St Patrick’s Cathedral, Armagh, at 7.30pm. The congregation will be made up of community, church and civic representatives from across the Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon Borough. The Vice Lord–Lieutenant, Lord Mayor and some of the Councillors, along with other elected representatives, will also be present. The Sermon will be given by Archbishop John McDowell and Archbishop Eamon Martin will also be taking part. The Cathedral Choir will be singing a number of pieces of music sung at past Coronation Services including the famous ‘Zadok the Priest’ by Handel.
Thursday, 4th May
- Holy Trinity Glencraig will host a Coronation Organ Recital with Ven Peter Thompson on Thursday 4 May at 7.30pm.
Friday, 5th May
King Charles has asked that on the eve of his Coronation, the prayers of the peoples of the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth and beyond will be offered to God for the reign he has begun in our name.
- A service will be held in Coolbuck Church (part of Lisbellaw Parish) at 5pm to offer prayers for King Charles III and the Royal Family.
- Belfast Cathedral will hold a special Service of Choral Evensong with Prayers for the King at 5.30pm.
- Parish Fun Evening in Clabby, Co. Fermanagh, at 6.30pm to celebrate the Coronation.
The Parish of Templemore (Saint Columb’s Cathedral), Londonderry, will hold a Vigil of Prayer ahead of the Coronation. It will begin at 7.30pm in Saint Columb’s Cathedral.
Coleraine Ministers’ Council is holding a King’s Coronation Vigil of prayer at 7.30pm in St. Patrick’s Parish Church in Coleraine. All churches and the wider public have been invited to this historic act of worship.
Saturday, 6th May
- Car boot sale in Drummully Parish, Co. Fermanagh, with gates open from 8.00am.
- In Saint Columb’s Cathedral, Londonderry, the Coronation will be shown on the big screen, beginning at 10.00am. Light refreshments will be served.
- Coronation Hog Roast from 12.00noon to 3.00pm at the Garrison Group of Parishes Rectory, Co. Fermanagh. Proceeds to Bishops’ Appeal for Syria and Turkey Earthquake Relief and the Rectory Fund. No RSVP required.
- Coronation Street Party at the Rectory of Trory and Killadeas Parishes, Co. Fermanagh. In the morning, large screens in the Rectory will be showing the Coronation followed by a street party, with food, fun, lawn games and inflatable obstacle courses.
Prayers for the King and Queen at 6pm in Rossorry Parish Church.
Sunday, 7th May
- Cairncastle with All Saints’, Craigyhill Parish, Larne, is holding a Special Service of Holy Communion to mark the Coronation in both All Saints’, Craigyhill, (10am) and St Patrick’s, Cairncastle (11.30am).
Christ Church, Strabane, will be holding a Coronation Lunch after its Morning Service. The lunch is free to all who attend.
- At 10.30am, Lisburn Cathedral will hold a Coronation Celebration Service and Lunch.
- St Colmgall’s, Rathcoole, is holding a Service of Thanksgiving & Royal Tea Party at 11am to celebrate the Coronation.
- Parishes within Mid Belfast Rural Deanery will hold a joint service in St Andrew’s, Glencairn, at 11am, followed by a garden party in the community garden.
Kilcronaghan Parish Church in Tobermore will mark the Coronation with a ‘Coronation Garden Tea Party’ in the Rectory Garden, 12 Rectory Road, Tobermore at 3pm on Sunday 7th May. The Tamlaghtmore Silver Band will provide music. There’ll be afternoon tea, bouncy castles, a fancy dress competition and a ‘design your own crown’ competition.
- Christ Church, Lisburn is holding Morning Worship at 11.30am to mark the Coronation, when the men’s and parish choirs will sing two pieces. The service will be followed by tea party and activities for all ages in the parish hall and grounds. To book a place at the tea party, contact the parish hall.
- St Jude’s, Muckamore, will be hosting an afternoon tea party with fun and games for all the family following the 11.30am Service of Holy Communion.
- A Service of Commemoration for the Coronation will be held in St Mark’s, Armagh, at 7pm.
- The Parishes of St Aidan, St Simon and St Mary Magdelene, Belfast, will hold a special service to mark the Coronation at 11.30am in St Simon’s, Donegall Road, and this will be followed by a Tea Party to which all are welcome.
A special Service of Thanksgiving for the Coronation will be held in Christ Church, Bessbrook, at 11.30am which will be followed by a ‘Bring your own Lunch’ event (part of the official Coronation Big Lunch). The service and lunch is open to all in the community.
- Coronation Weekend Joint Service in Maguiresbridge, Co. Fermanagh, followed by barbecue.
- Dunluce Parish, Bushmills, will be holding a street party in the Parish Centre after the church service.
Belfast Cathedral plans to have a ‘Lunch in the Nave’, which will follow its Sunday morning Eucharist. With tables in place at the West End, the Cathedral is inviting all the members of the Cathedral family to join us for a ‘pot luck lunch.’ Those who take part are asked to bring sandwiches, salads, cakes or deserts on the day to share with all who are present.
Coronation Service Celebrations in Barr and Donacavey churches.
Coronation celebration at 1pm in Kilskeery Parish Church.
Service in Lisbellaw Parish Church at 11am to offer prayers and thankfulness for the King and Royal Family.
Service of Celebration at 3pm for the Coronation in Holy Trinity Church, Lisnaskea, and afternoon tea afterwards in Trinity Hall.
Rossorry Parish Church celebrates the Coronation following the 10.30am service with Afternoon Tea and a Barbecue and inviting the Sunday School children to take part in a Coronation Fancy Dress Competition.
Coronation Celebration Service in both Tempo and Clabby Churches.
A Service marking the Coronation in St John’s Parish Church, Fivemiletown, at 11am.
Special service to mark the Coronation in St Macartin’s Cathedral, Enniskillen, at 11am with Bishop Ian Ellis being the preacher followed by a Sunday lunch in the Cathedral Hall.
A joint service in Keady, Armaghbreague, Derrynoose & Newtownhamilton group of parishes to celebrate the Coronation will be held in St John’s, Derrynoose (Madden), at 11.00am, followed by soup lunch in Madden Schoolhouse.
King Charles III’s coronation will be marked in Ballyscullion Parish, in Bellaghy, County Londonderry, where parishioners will hold a special Coronation Celebration Afternoon Tea in the church hall, following the Sunday Service on 7th May. The Sunday School children will be handing out celebration book marks and bracelets to commemorate the occasion, and the centrepiece will be a specially decorated Coronation cake.
Baronscourt Parish Church will hold a special service to celebrate the Coronation on Sunday at 4pm.
Dungiven and Bovevagh Parishes will be marking the Coronation on Sunday 7th May with special prayers during Holy Communion in Dungiven at 10am and 11.30am in Bovevagh. There will also be a soup and roll lunch with celebratory cake in Dungiven, and the planting of Coronation oak trees in the precincts of the parish churches.
- In Donaghmore Church at 11.00am a special Joint Parish Service will mark the King’s Coronation followed by lunch in the grounds of the parish church.
- The Parish of Magheralin invite you to Join them after the morning service on 7th May for a picnic to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles III. Bring along your picnic, and hot dogs, ice cream and cold drinks will be available.
- The parishioners of Killaney & Carryduff will celebrate the King’s Coronation with a Royal Tea Party in Carryduff Parish Church Hall following Morning Worship at 10.00am.
- Holywood Parish Church will celebrate the Coronation with an All–age Service at 11.00am followed by a Coronation Big Lunch with activities for all ages and music from Festival Brass Band.
- A Big Lunch in the Rectory garden will follow worship in Dromore Cathedral at 10.45am. Bring your own picnic with tea/coffee and juice being provided, along with an ice cream for everyone attending. Bouncy castles and games for the children.
- St Dorothea’s, Gilnahirk, will be serving special Coronation Cake with tea after the 10.15am All–Age Service.
The Parishes of Derg and Termonamongan (Killeter) will be holding Coronation Family Services on Sunday at 10am in Killeter and 11.15am in Castlederg. The churches will be decorated with Coronation floral arrangements; cupcakes will be provided and there will be children’s fancy dress as members of the Royal Family.
Monday, 8th May
- Christ Church, Castledawson, will celebrate the Coronation at a Garden Party at the Parish Hall, on Station Road, from 1–5pm. There’ll be a display of royal memorabilia, as well as food, entertainment, face painting, inflatables and crafts.
Wednesday, 10th May
- A Special Commemorative Service for the Coronation will be held in Saint Columb’s Cathedral, Londonderry, beginning at 7.30pm. The preacher will be the Rt Revd Andrew Forster, Bishop of Derry and Raphoe.
- There will be a Coronation special Messy Church from 2–3.30pm in All Saints’ Halls, Craigyhill, Larne. All welcome.
- At 7pm, Lisburn Cathedral will host an interdenominational Coronation Celebration Service with the Lisburn city centre churches on behalf of Lisburn and Castlereagh City Council. The preacher will be the Rev Canon Derek Kerr, a member of the chapter in Lisburn Cathedral, and a well–known Royal enthusiast, as well as vicar of Drummaul, Duneane and Ballyscullion.
- A special Coronation Praise Service will be held at 7pm in Tamlaght O’Crilly Church Hall (near Kilrea), with refreshments afterwards in the Church Hall. The service will be led by the Rector, Rev Gary Millar, and the preacher will be Rev Richard Morrison, minister of Churchtown Presbyterian Church. Megan Paul and Tamlaght O’Crilly Community Choir will lead the congregation in worship.
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