Irish Times Notes
Church of Ireland Notes from ‘The Irish Times’
Kildare Centre of Mission
The Kildare Centre of Mission (KCOM) was formally launched last Tuesday at a special Service of Dedication in St Brigid’s cathedral, Kildare, where the preacher was the Chief Executive Officer of the Church Army UK and Ireland, the Ven. Dr Peter Rouch.
The work of the KCOM began in September 2022 with the appointment of the Revd Philip McKinley as Lead Evangelist. In April 2023, Kelley Bermingham was appointed as Pioneer Evangelist and, in June 2023, the Very Revd Isobel Jackson was appointed Dean of Kildare and Rector of Kildare & Newbridge group of parishes.
The need for a Centre of Mission in Meath & Kildare arose from the 2018 Diocesan Strategic Review, undertaken by the Church Army. It was also seen as complementing the Meath & Kildare Diocesan Vision Statement: ‘Together in God’s love transforming lives’.
The aim of the KCOM is to establish an outreach/spiritual tourism presence at St Brigid’s cathedral, Kildare. KCOM also serves a community that has high levels of need and significant population growth.The ultimate vision of the KCOM is to see community transformation through effective outreach. This is done through a mutual relationship of sharing between the Church Army and the Diocese. It also seeks to creatively and effectively share faith in words and actions to the community of Kildare and surrounding areas. It reaches out to the many spiritual tourists who visit St Brigid’s cathedral, particularly focusing on the year 2023–24 which marks the 1500th anniversary of St Brigid’s death.
KCOM also plans to deliver a range of community outreach initiatives, programmes and pioneer contextually appropriate Church, for all ages that enables people’s faith journey. It seeks to grow the inherited church community so that their communal life both deepens their faith in Christ and meets the needs of those who do not currently attend church.Bishop Pat Storey has acted as a strong advocate for the development of the KCOM and the diocesan partnership with Church Army, having taken a very hands–on approach to commissioning the diocesan review.
Church Music Dublin will host a Festival Evensong in Sandford parish church, Ranelagh, today (Saturday). Registration will be at 1.30pm, there will be a rehearsal with conductor John Dexter, at 2pm and the Festival Evensong service will begin at 4pm. The fee for singers is €10, to include music scores, and refreshments will be provided but there is no charge for those attending the service. There will also be useful resources, and free organ music. Enquiries to: [email protected]
A one–day conference in Armagh’s Market Place Theatre next Tuesday will look at how understanding and dialogue can be promoted through the collections of the Primates of All Ireland, Archbishop Robin Eames (1986–2006) and Cardinal Tomás Ó Fiaich (1977–1990).
In the morning session, the keynote speaker will be Adjunct Professor Philip McDonagh and the panel of speakers will be composed of Dr Brian Lambkin, Dr Thomas Dolan and Professor Gladys Ganiel. The session will be chaired by Susan McKay. In the afternoon session the keynote speaker will be Professor Ian McBride and the panel of speakers will be made up of Archbishop Eamon Martin, Archbishop John McDowell and government representatives. The chairman will be Mark Devenport.
This event is free with lunch included, but booking is essential. To book a place, go to or call 03300 561 025.
The conference has been organized by the Armagh Robinson Library and has been funded by the Irish Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
Published in the Friday edition of The Irish Times