Diocesan News
Derry & Raphoe Diocesan Synod 2023

Almost 200 delegates attended this year’s Derry and Raphoe Diocesan Synod at the Everglades Hotel in Londonderry last Wednesday (25th October). Synod members approved a request to Diocesan Council to set up a commission to “prayerfully conduct a strategic review” of the diocese. The motion, which was proposed and seconded by the two Archdeacons in the name of the Honorary Secretaries, was endorsed without objection.
The day began with a Service of Holy Communion. Bishop Andrew Forster described the sharing of the bread and wine as “the most important part of today”. In a brief homily, the Bishop shared three nautical images which he asked the congregation to bear in mind: the Church as a lifeboat for those who needed rescuing in the storms of life; as a lighthouse, sharing Christ’s light, and helping people to find their way through the difficult moments in life; and as a ferry – big enough, and with doors wide enough – to welcome all, accept all and bring all into the fellowship of the Church. When the synod got down to business, a presentation was made to Ms Caroline Dixon, to mark her retirement after 40 years as Diocesan Architect.
In his presidential address, Bishop Andrew reminded delegates that this year’s Synod was taking place against the backdrop of a world in considerable turmoil.
A full report of the diocesan synod is available here on the Derry & Raphoe Facebook page accompanied by photo galleries in the news feed.
For further information please contact:
Diocesan Communications Officer, Derry & Raphoe
Mr Paul McFadden
028 7126 2440
07525 826290
[email protected]