Board of Education (NI)
Growing together in Belleek
The Church of Ireland’s Board of Education is delighted to support opportunities for schools and parishes to work and serve together in their local communities across Northern Ireland.
A garden in the grounds of Belleek Controlled Primary School in County Fermanagh – opened in warmer weather in September! – is one of several projects which have received funding through our small grants programme for parish–school projects in recent years. To read the full story, please check out the report on the Diocese of Clogher’s website at
The Board of Education (Northern Ireland) represents the Church of Ireland in all educational matters affecting Northern Ireland and nominates representatives of the Church to any education body as required, including the Transferor Representatives’ Council, the Education Authority, and the Controlled Schools’ Support Council.
Secretary, Board of Education (NI)
Dr Peter Hamill
028 9082 8860
[email protected]