Liturgical Advisory Committee
Liturgical Advisory Committee News, November 2011
The Liturgical Advisory Committee held its two day meeting on 14th & 15th November. One of the main emphases of the two–day meeting is to receive updates from the sub–committees and to prioritise the on–going work of those groups. Another is to give greater focus to other subjects the Committee has been considering.
The Hymnal Supplement sub–committee reported that they had received just short of 1200 submissions for consideration, indicating something of the level of interest in such a supplement. The full Committee assisted in the editing of the provisional content brought before it, and that work will continue in the sub–committee.
There was encouraging news in the report from the Electronic Liturgy and Resources sub–committee with figures showing a 30% increase on last year in the numbers accessing the worship section of the website. There was also an email from Australia in praise of the material provided by the worship pages. The Resources group reported on the progressing its work on the Commissioning of Readers service.
The permission by the House of Bishops for the experimental use of “Holy Communion by Extension” is nearing its end, and consideration is being given to its continuance. Anyone with information about the extent of its use thus far is invited to email the Honorary Secretary.
Disappointment was expressed at the new Roman Catholic texts, in particular that the previously agreed texts, used as of late, had been changed without any prior consultation or communication with the other parties to that agreement.
The Committee was delighted to welcome Caroline Nolan of Cumann Gaelach No h–Eaglaise to address the meeting, and to share thoughts and ideas around the Irish/English parallel texts publication of Prayer Book material. Some of that material is currently on the website under “Book of Common Prayer Resources Manual”, and it was agreed that the liaison between Cumman Gaelach na h–Eaglaise and the LAC is valued by both parties and should continue.
The next meeting of the Liturgical Advisory Committee is planned for January 31st 2012 in Church of Ireland House, Dublin.