Day 3
Church of Ireland Youth Department Shares News of Their Work
The work of the Church of Ireland Youth Department was outlined at Synod this morning. Proposing the report of CIYD, Simon Henry, the new National Youth Officer with CIYD, spoke of the importance of directing young people towards God.
He recognised that Church is no longer at the centre of many communities. “Young people inhabit a world that is increasingly pluralistic and morally relative. An aggressive secularism has crept into modern life that has brought real fear into the lives of young Christians. Yet, they are more than ready to hear about Jesus Christ. They are more than ready to give him their life and take those first steps into discipleship,” he said.
The said the CIYD had limited resources so their mission had to be strategic. He said that as CIYD started its new phase with its new staff team, there was much to be excited about. He highlighted their new Strategic Plan for 2017–2020 and their new vision leaflet.
The report was seconded by the Revd Ruth Noble thanked all the staff in CIYD who cover the whole country with a wide brief. She commended the new regional staff and their massive experience and ability to support us as a Church in our work with the young people of this island.
Discussion on the report focused on the following points:
- The Chair of CIYD thanked all involved in the work with young people. Every diocese has active youth work going on despite rigorous new guidelines.
- The Church of Ireland was asked to give the children a bigger profile.
- CIYD were thanked for the work they do.
- Parishes were reminded to ask CIYD to come and work with them.
- The ‘I Believe’ Confirmation Resource was commended.