Synodical Reform Committee
Issues identified for consideration
Issues identified
A resolution of the General Synod requested the Standing Committee to consider the means by which enquiries into the structure and workings of the Synod may be continued, with a view to proposals being presented to the Synod during the triennium ending in 2005.
In response to the resolution, the Synodical Reform Working Group was set up by the Standing Committee in June 2002 to consult widely and report to the Standing Committee in March 2003 on the reform of the General Synod. The group has met on a number of occasions and has identified the following issues which will receive further consideration before reporting to the Standing Committee:
1. Representation from each diocese and overall membership.
2. Timing and frequency of meetings.
3. Weighted membership to include different age categories etc.
4. Organise Synod business to provide for in-depth debate on particular issues.
5. Election by proportional representation.
6. Procedure for legislation at the Synod to be more user friendly.
7. Input from the dioceses to the General Synod.
The group will also consider various models of revised Synod representation based on incumbencies, which may form the basis for proposed legislation.