Commission on Ministry
Commission on Ministry Vocation Retreat 2025
Bookings now open!
The Vocation Retreat 2025, organised by the Commission on Ministry, will take place in Manresa Retreat Centre, Clontarf, Dublin, from 21–23 February 2025.
The Vocation Retreat 2025, organised by the Commission on Ministry, will take place in Manresa Retreat Centre, Clontarf, Dublin, from 21–23 February 2025.
As Vocation Sunday approaches this Sunday, 12th May, we hope that these four projects are encouraging for everyone on this journey.
For a six–minute slot in a Vocation Sunday service, you may wish to show ‘It’s Your Call’ – a commissioned video which features interviews with a range of Church of Ireland clergy about their ordained ministry in different parts of Ireland.
On the Sunday between Ascension Thursday and Pentecost – Sunday, 12th May – clergy and lay readers are being encouraged to set aside some time in their services to consider the call of God in our lives.
A vocations retreat was held from 26th to 28th January, in the Dromantine Conference Centre, near Newry, for those ‘exploring’ ordination in the Church of Ireland.
What does it mean to explore a call to ordained ministry? ‘It’s Your Call’ features interviews with a range of clergy about their ordained ministry in communities in different parts of the island of Ireland.
The Commission on Ministry is asking parishes to encourage conversations and discussions by holding a Vocation Sunday on 21st May, or another date at their discretion if this is more convenient.
The Commission on Ministry is encouraging parishes to keep conversations and discussions going around vocations by holding a Vocation Sunday on a date at their discretion.
This year’s Vocation Sunday will take place this Sunday, 19th September. Anyone with an interest in exploring a vocation to ordained ministry is encouraged to speak with their Rector.
Places are still available for the Commission on Ministry’s Advent retreat – ‘Dawn of Hope’, which will take place online by Zoom on Saturday 28th November 2020 (9.30am–1.00pm).