Detailed information about the Church of Ireland’s teaching is available from the APCK study leaflets which are linked to via the navigation menu; this is accessible at left when viewed on desktop or by clicking the menu tab and Our Faith section at the top right when viewed on mobile.
The Association for Promoting Christian Knowledge (APCK) publishes this series to provide a Church of Ireland perspective on important issues of belief and practice.
APCK has been active in Ireland since 1792. It is linked to the Church of Ireland but independent from it, and also acts as publisher for SEARCH, an academic journal of the Church of Ireland.
Printed copies of all APCK leaflets may be requested from the Dublin & Glendalough Diocesan Office:
Email: Dublin & Glendalough Diocesan Office
Tel: 00 353 (0)1 496 6981
Readers can find out more about APCK on its website at
National Coordinator for Ireland
The Very Rev Niall J Sloane (Diocese of Limerick)
Tel: 00 353 (0)61 338697
Email: [email protected]