CRA Governance Code Compliance Form & Reporting for RI Parishes
The Governance Form
The model form is for example purposes only. Most parishes will only have completed work on some of the sections. It is anticipated that completing all of the answers will be a process that takes parishes a couple of years. The work on governance will be guided by Diocesan Secretaries and the staff of Church House.
The Compliance Form is NOT sent to the CRA. Keep the completed form in your Governance Folder.
During the coming year, use the Compliance Form as guidance, to keep your Select Vestry focused on additional tasks, so that you can answer more questions next year.
Completing the Annual Report
When you make your annual report for Y/E 2021, the first section now contains a number of questions related to parish governance. You have to answer ‘no’ to each of the six questions to see the list of ‘detailed questions’ behind each of these. You will probably find your Select Vestry has completed some work in each of the six areas. You can answer yes to these questions and ‘no’ to the others.
At the end of the form it asks why you have not yet completed Governance Compliance. You should include an answer something like: The trustees have commenced work on core aspects of the Governance Code and will be working to develop more governance procedures and practices in the coming year.
Do not claim to be fully compliant unless you are completely certain you have documented all aspects of the Governance Code. The CRA is more concerned that a strong culture of governance is developed than that boxes are ticked.
Make sure your ‘evidence’ (generally policies or dated entries in Minutes or Agendas) is placed carefully in your Governance Folder with the completed form. The Governance Folder contains important information and should be kept securely in a locked cupboard.
Guidelines on annual CRA Charity Governance Code reporting and required documentation.
*The Remuneration Policy is required only where the parish has paid staff