Thursday 10th May – Provisional Timetable (subject to alteration)
12 noon – 1pm
President takes the chair
Reading from Holy Scripture and Prayer
List of members of the General Synod to be laid on the table
Nomination of an Assessor by the President
President’s Address
Welcome of official Guests
Election of Honorary Secretaries
Motion No. 1
Motion No. 2
(Standing Orders)
Formal business and communications
1pm – 2pm Lunch
2pm – 3.45pm
Answers to requests for information (if any) (SO 51)
Launch of the Commentary on the Constitution
Motion No. 3
(Standing Orders Committee)
Motion No. 4 (Petitions Committee)
Motion No. 5
(Elections Committee)
Motion No. 6 (Record Committee)
Motion No. 7
(Bills Committee)
Motion No. 8
(Legislation Committee)
Report of Election to Standing Committee
Report of the Bills Committee
Bills No. 1 to 7,
incl. special bills
3.45–4pm – Coffee Break
4pm – 6.30pm
Report of the Standing Committee (not more than 2 hours)
Motion No. 9 – (Brought collaboratively by the Church of Ireland Bishops’ Appeal and the Church of Ireland Council for Mission)
Council for Mission (30 mins)
If business listed for any period is completed before the hour appointed, reports listed for Saturday afternoon will be taken in reverse order, commencing with the Church of Ireland Youth Department. References in this motion to a “report” shall include any motions accompanying such report on the agenda paper.