The final date for submission of Bills to General Synod to be included in the printed materials sent to members is Friday 29th March. Late Bills will only be received by members with any other Synod paperwork that is collected on arrival at General Synod.
The Bills Committee meets twice in advance of General Synod to offer comment on drafting and technical aspects of Bills.
The first meeting, known as the Informal Meeting of the Bills Committee will take place on 7th February 2024. Members who intend to submit a Bill and have it drafted to the point where it can be submitted to the informal meeting for comment should send their Bill to the Honorary Secretaries ([email protected]) by Wednesday 31st January.
Proposers and seconders will be invited to attend the informal meeting, which is scheduled for 4.30p.m. on 7th February. Bills can then be redrafted, taking the comments of the members of the Bills Committee into consideration, and resubmitted for the final meeting of the Bills Committee, which generally takes place before the end of March. The date, when set, will be posted on the General Synod website.
Late Bills can still be submitted up to one week before the opening session of Synod, but the Committee is unlikely to have time to scrutinise their drafting before the meeting of the General Synod.