won’t be able to attend General Synod – can a supplementalist go in my place?
No – unlike diocesan synods, the regulations do not allow a supplementalist to attend General Synod if a member cannot be there. A supplementalist attends only if a member has resigned his or her place.
How do I propose a motion at General Synod?
You will find a form for proposing a motion in advance of General Synod at the Synod website at www.churchofireland.org/synod.This should be filled out and sent to the Honorary Secretaries at Church of Ireland House, Rathmines, Dublin 6 or by email to [email protected] to arrive by Wednesday 9th April 2025 (one month before the opening day of General Synod). It is also possible to propose a motion while General Synod is in session, under Standing Order 31 (d). In this case a different form should be filled out (also available on the Synod website) and it should be presented to the Honorary Secretaries at the Synod at the top table.
I have a proposal for legislation at General Synod – what should I do?
Unless you have experience with legislative drafting it might be helpful to put your proposal to the Legislation Committee at Church of Ireland House, Rathmines, Dublin 6 who consider proposals and may be able to assist with drafting. Any proposed legislation for discussion at General Synod should be sent to the Honorary Secretaries by Friday the 21st March 2025 so that it can be sent to members of Synod with their Synod papers. A late Bill can be sent to the Honorary Secretaries up to Friday the 2nd May 2025 (one week before General Synod). The Bills Committee will examine all proposed legislation (including late Bills) for legal and drafting issues and report their conclusions on the first day of the General Synod.
I was looking at the Bills paper and I want to suggest an amendment to Bill no. x – how do I do this?
All amendments to Bills must be presented to the Honorary Secretaries in writing. A proposed amendment must not seek to overturn the purposes of the Bill. A form for proposing an amendment is available on the Synod website at www.churchofireland.org/synod
How do I request information from the Chairperson of X Committee?
Under Standing Order 51 a member of the General Synod can seek information concerning the business of any committee of the General Synod or the Representative Church Body. One day’s notice is required. The Chairperson of the Committee or the Chief Officer/Secretary of the Representative Church Body or some other appropriated person is required to answer the request at 2pm on each day of the Synod or as soon as practicable thereafter. Questions can be asked at the General Synod or submitted in advance and in the latter case should be sent to the Honorary Secretaries to arrive not later than 2nd May 2025. Forms for requests for information are available at the General Synod website at www.churchofireland.org/synod
I am a member of the Church of Ireland but not a member of General Synod and I’d like to make General Synod aware of my views – how can I do this?
Under Standing Order 65 any person (or persons) over 18 years of age who is a member of the Church of Ireland is entitled to petition the General Synod in writing. Such petitions should be sent to the Honorary Secretaries to arrive not later than one week before the General Synod begins (3rd May 2024). The petition will be presented to the Synod by a member of the Synod and will be referred to the Petitions Committee who will consider it and report their findings to the General Synod. Forms for petitions are available from the Synod Office or downloadable from the General Synod website at www.churchofireland.org/synod
I won’t be able to attend General Synod but would like to keep up with developments. How can I do this?
The General Synod website at www.churchofireland.org/synod will be regularly updated with details of the debates and decisions of the General Synod.