The LAC has received a number of enquiries from people who did not receive a copy of this prayer in the recent RCB March mailing.
The Liturgical Advisory Committee held its two day residential meeting on 2nd and 3rd November 2010 which, as is the nature of residential meetings, provided an opportunity for more in depth consideration of a wider range of liturgical matters than is afforded by the one day meetings.
In time for the coming liturgical year beginning on Advent Sunday (26 November 2010), a new publication – the last in a series of three – has been produced by the Church of Ireland designed to encourage more psalm singing in churches.
Liturgical Space and Church Re-ordering: issues of good practice has just been produced by Church of Ireland Publishing.
The Liturgical Advisory Committee has met three times this year in Church of Ireland House Dublin, on January 29th, May 18th and September 28th.